
How To Remove Grass Stains | Set or Unset

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At some point in time, we’ve all probably had the following moment occur:  

You get a nasty stain on a really nice piece of clothing and no matter how much soap you use or how many times you wash it, the stain just doesn’t come out.  At this point, it’s easy to just toss the shirt in the trash, because what else can you do right?

Well, there’s another option.  Several options actually, and in this stain removal series, we’ll show you how to get rid of grass stains, lingering grease stains, and blood stains without out all the hassle.

No heavy duty chemicals needed.  Just tried and tested stain removal methods that take a natural approach.  So let’s start with the issue at hand – grass stains.

Grass stains can be tough to remove depending on what method you’re using, but with the right combination of natural ingredients,  the process is fairly easy –  take a look below.