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How to Write an eBook | A 2020 Guide

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If you’ve ever gone on, undoubtedly you have come across the ebook section.  It’s a massive collection of books covering almost every topic you can imagine. So who’s writing all those ebooks?


People like you, or hopefully sooner than later – you.  Though the trend of buying ebooks has been growing for a long time, there probably hasn’t been as much interest in writing them as it is now.  Many people are ready and eager to jump into the ebook market, but they don’t have a clue where to start.


That’s okay.  If you want to know how to write and publish and ebook, you’re in the right place.


Before you take the ebook market by storm, you first have to have something to publish, so let’s start there.  Here’s a breakdown of the things you’ll need to do before you get to the publishing stage.