
A rusted crown

Homemade Rust Remover

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Rust, rust, rust.  Rust on the car, rust around the faucet in your home.  If there’s one statement that’s tried and true it’s this, “If it can rust, it will rust.”  Rust can be annoying when it eventually and inevitably pops up somewhere around your home. 

The good news is after you finish using these natural rust removal methods, rust won’t be a bother to you no matter when it starts to appear.


Let’s breakdown a little bit of the science shall we?  What is rust? Rust is an iron oxide that is the lovechild of iron and oxygen when they react with each other in the presence of water.  So basically, unless you remove all of the oxygen, or all of the water in your home, it will be next to impossible to completely stop rust from occurring.  That being said, with a little effort, you can easily remove rust once you spot it.


Here are a couple simple and easy ways to remove rust that don’t involve a lot of ingredients or mixing.  Matter of fact, the first method I’m going to show you only has one ingredient. 

The second method, which is by far the most unique one, is called the Margarita Method, you’ll see why in a bit.