
Natural Air fresheners: That Really Work

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Those air fresheners in the store look amazing don’t they?  The emerald green rain forest, the raging water falls, the endless valleys of lavender; they certainly do a good job of capturing your attention. 


While the pictures on the outside of the can may be great, the chemicals on the inside of the can?  Ehhh, not so great.  More often than not, store bought air fresheners are full of propellants, solvents, and other chemicals. 


We think if people were aware of how easy it is to make a natural air freshener, they would definitely give it a try.  That’s why we put together a list of natural air freshener recipes that cut down on chemicals but are still strong enough to get the odor eliminating job done.   


Like most of our recipes, these natural air fresheners all have four appealing qualities:

They are…

  • Affordable
  • Easy to use
  • Natural
  • And last but not least, they really work

Scroll down to take a look at the three best natural air fresheners.


Pet Odor Removal: The Fast & Natural Way That Actually Works

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Pets are great, and if we’re being completely honest about it, they’re amazing. That being said, all amazing pets have to start off somewhere, and whether they are freshly picked out of the litter, or they’re a new rescue, they typically start off by pooping and peeing everywhere. 


It’s okay, that’s a part of the process and we’re here to make that process just a little bit easier.  That is why we came up with a pet odor removal method that is fast, natural, and actually works.  


In a few easy steps, you’ll learn how to get rid of pet odors and stains quickly and also keep your pet from coming back to that same spot and leaving chocolate drops for you to pick up over and over again.  Are you ready? Let’s go….