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Healthy Gift Ideas
Our hand-picked list of some of the best healthy gift ideas for any season and any occasion.
Our hand-picked list of some of the best healthy gift ideas for any season and any occasion.
An easy to make natural degreaser that’s tough enough for those garage projects and safe enough for use inside the home.
This homemade organic exfoliator is the perfect addition to any skincare regimen. Grab some brown sugar and let’s get started…
Say good bye to mold, mildew, and soap scum with this incredibly easy and natural daily shower spray.
An easy and natural bathroom cleaner. Perfect for cleaning and disinfecting your toilet, bathroom, and shower.
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Let’s be honest, buying organic can get expensive at times. There’s nothing like walking into Whole Foods with healthy intentions and the first thing you see is a tiny bag of organic onions on sale for $10. That’s enough to make anyone turn around and say “I’ll risk it.”
Don’t walk out of the store just yet. Just make sure that when you shop organic, you’re spending your money on the right things so you’ll get the most out of your organic purchases. We know the process of deciding what to buy and what not to buy organic can be tricky. There’s a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables out there that have a very unhealthy amount of pesticide residue on them. In order to help you shop smarter and avoid pesticide laden produce, we’ve brought you a list of the top 5 foods you should definitely buy organic.
We may need to put an asterisk next to the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Yes, unfortunately apples made the list, the top five in fact. No worries though, organic apples are typically priced well and shouldn’t cost too much more than the non-organic options. If you catch them on sale, all the better, that’s just more organic apple pie for everyone.
Nectarines -Just a fancy word for little peaches. This one snuck into the top five but don’t let it sneak into your shopping basket without being organic. The higher up the list we go, the higher the levels of pesticides.
This one is a heart breaker but yes kale is on the list. Beloved by many as a healthy addition to salads and a staple of almost any type of health conscious smoothie, kale has positioned itself in the number 3 spot.
With the growing popularity of kale, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find it organic. From our research, the price of organic kale is fairly comparable to non-organic kale.
Throughout history, many kids have turned their noses up at this little green vegetable. Maybe if the spinach were organic, it would have been a different story. Or maybe not. Either way if you decide to buy some spinach for yourself or your family, definitely try to find it organic.
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That’s a good question and we’ve found a great answer. Oily skin can be difficult to deal with at times. Your pores may clog easily, and aside from that, oily skin can leave your face looking greasy and unkempt.
Adding a daily moisturizer to this situation can be tricky, and the last thing we want to do is make your appearance worse; we want to make it better. That’s why we found a natural daily moisturizer that’s the perfect match for oily skin.
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If you have dry skin, you may think that using any moisturizer is a lot better than using no moisturizer at all. This isn’t exactly true. Our skin is very delicate, and requires a balance to keep it in its best form.
While dry skin may benefit from a moisturizer, it is very important to pick the right one. When looking for a moisturizer for dry skin, you want to make sure it has a few key elements:
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Taking care of dry skin can be difficult, and you may not always know where to start, or how to start. That’s where we come in. We’ve created an all natural face mask recipe that helps those with dry skin in so many ways:
The recipe below will give you a quick and natural start to taking care of your dry skin.
Simply wash your face before you get started and combine a few organic ingredients for an incredibly easy and hydrating face mask.