
The Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants: That Really Works

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As cool as it is to watch ants carry food back to their ant hill in nature, it’s not cool to wake up and find a line of ants hauling bread crumbs across your kitchen counter.  When faced with an ant invasion, the go to method for most people is to purchase store bought bug sprays and ant traps to take care of the problem.


While buy sprays may be effective to some degree, they can also bring harmful chemicals into the home.  Thank goodness there is another option that naturally removes and repels ants without using any harmful chemicals in the process. 


This all natural recipe will not only repel ants back into nature where they belong, but it will leave your home smelling fresh when you’re done.


A woman holding a large amount of cash.

The Best Side Hustle for 2020

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The best side hustle?  That’s a bold title, but after reading this you’ll see why we chose it.  


When you have a side hustle, that usually means you have a main hustle or job already. So if you’re going to get a side hustle, make sure you get one that you enjoy, and make sure that it pays you well to do it.


If that point resonates with you, then you’ll see why we call this side hustle, the best side hustle.


We would like to introduce you to


On this website, you can find just about any online job you can imagine.  From tech jobs to gaming, consulting, voice overs, data entry, graphic design, the list goes on and on.


The next question is obvious: how much does it pay? That’s entirely up to you. You set your own price on


How To Remove Grass Stains | Set or Unset

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At some point in time, we’ve all probably had the following moment occur:  

You get a nasty stain on a really nice piece of clothing and no matter how much soap you use or how many times you wash it, the stain just doesn’t come out.  At this point, it’s easy to just toss the shirt in the trash, because what else can you do right?

Well, there’s another option.  Several options actually, and in this stain removal series, we’ll show you how to get rid of grass stains, lingering grease stains, and blood stains without out all the hassle.

No heavy duty chemicals needed.  Just tried and tested stain removal methods that take a natural approach.  So let’s start with the issue at hand – grass stains.

Grass stains can be tough to remove depending on what method you’re using, but with the right combination of natural ingredients,  the process is fairly easy –  take a look below.


How to Remove Blood Stains from Any Fabric Type

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From outdoor accidents, to kitchen mishaps, however they come to be, blood stains can be a nuisance; and if they end up on light colored clothing or carpet, they’re even worse.  But before you start heading towards the trash can with that white linen shirt, give our simple blood stain removal method a try.


This method is so easy and so awesome, it only takes one ingredient to get the job done.  That’s right, one ingredient. So without further ado, let’s get to removing that blood stain.


How to Make an All-Natural Kitchen Disinfectant | GreenThreeLife

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When it comes to killing germs in the home, no one wants to skimp on the quality of their disinfectant.  This is  understandable, but it often leads to the purchase of the familiar chemical based cleaners that are sold in stores.


If people knew just how easy it is to make powerful, and natural homemade disinfectants at home, they would most likely give it a try and leave those chemical based cleaners in the store where they belong.  


If you are looking for an easy, affordable, and of course, natural disinfectant for your home, then look no further. In just a few steps, you will mix your very own, all natural kitchen disinfectant.  All you need is a few natural ingredients, a spray bottle, and you’ll be ready to clean. Let’s get started!


Organic Skin Toner | For Every Skin Type

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What does skin toner do?

Skin toner is used after you have cleansed your face to remove any excess oil, dirt, or residual makeup that still may be lingering on your skin.  In addition to that, natural skin toner can help balance the pH of your skin. The combination of a proper pH balance and the pore cleansing effects of this natural skin toner, may help you ward off bothersome acne breakouts that are a result of oily skin.


That being said, whether you have oily skin, dry skin, or something in between, this natural skin toner is great for all skin types.  Also, the touch of lavender in this skin toner has a very calming and relaxing effect, making it a perfect addition to your bedtime skin care regimen.


The Easiest Way to Save Money on Groceries in 2020





People go out every day to purchase food for themselves, friends, and or family.


Unfortunately, due to time constraints, some of those people may end up buying their food from a fast food chain to get a quick bite to eat.  For the budget minded and health conscious individual, fast food is typically not the best option. If you want to eat healthy and save money, the grocery store is usually the best place to go.


By signing up to your local grocery stores savings program, you’ll usually receive a savings card that you can scan and save on discounted items available in the store.  This is very convenient, and we definitely recommend it. However, what happens when you come across an item that you really want and it’s not on sale?  


How to Make Money on Social Media in 2020

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While the social media influencer trend started years ago, it seems like in the past few years everyone has been trying to join the movement and start monetizing their brands.  But just because everyone is trying to do it, doesn’t mean they’re doing it right. 


We’ll show you some simple and straightforward ways you can start building and taking advantage of your social media presence and start making money.


From Instagram shopping, Facebook, to Snap chat, and the list goes on and on, there are a number of ways to start making money on social media.  But how?  


No worries, we’ll break it down.


Homemade Organic Bug Spray for Gardens | Works on Aphids, Mites, And More….

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If you’ve gardened before, you may know the names of some of the following garden pests: Aphids, army worms, cabbage loopers, grasshoppers, white flies, squash bugs.  


The list goes on and on, but the nuisance of garden insects eating up your prized produce doesn’t have to continue.  


We’ve compiled a list of the most common garden insects that will wreak havoc on your garden and found a natural way to keep them at bay.  As always, we keep our recipes non-toxic, but make no mistake, natural doesn’t mean weak.  


This Organic Bug Spray is very strong, and harnesses the power of some of the most potent natural elements to keep your garden as pest free as possible. 


A 2020 Guide to The Best Low Flow Showerheads for your Home | GreenThreeLife

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You’re here to find out what the best low-flow shower heads are,  so let’s quickly summarize what low-flow actually means before we get started.


A couple of decades ago, the typical shower head used around 5 gallons of water per minute – that’s a lot.  


Over time, the conventional shower head has been scaled down to use around 3 gallons per minute.  Modern low flow shower heads on the other hand, only use 2 gallons or less of water per minute – that’s a big difference.