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How to Make a Homemade Degreaser
An easy to make natural degreaser that’s tough enough for those garage projects and safe enough for use inside the home.
An easy to make natural degreaser that’s tough enough for those garage projects and safe enough for use inside the home.
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Over the years, teeth whitening has become a billion dollar industry, and there is no shortage of products and services out there to help you whiten and brighten your smile.
From store bought whitening kits, to costly laser whitening procedures at the dentist office, there are a number of ways to approach teeth whitening.
For me, the best way to approach teeth whitening is the old fashioned way, or better put, the natural way. Here’s a quick and easy whitening toothpaste recipe that you can use over and over again for months to come.
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There are few things in this world tougher to remove than grease:
No matter where it’s found, grease is an unforgiving invader that doesn’t quit.
Fair enough, this grease stain removal recipe was created to wipe out the toughest grease stains and it works practically on any surface. Keep in mind that embedded grease stains will cling to surfaces as if their lives depend on it, so be sure to read our “How to Use It” section below, so you’ll know exactly how to apply this grease remover and have the best chance of removing grease the first time.
To make this ultra tough, natural grease stain remover, you’ll only need a few items. You can find them easily by clicking the links in the recipe list below.
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Those air fresheners in the store look amazing don’t they? The emerald green rain forest, the raging water falls, the endless valleys of lavender; they certainly do a good job of capturing your attention.
While the pictures on the outside of the can may be great, the chemicals on the inside of the can? Ehhh, not so great. More often than not, store bought air fresheners are full of propellants, solvents, and other chemicals.
We think if people were aware of how easy it is to make a natural air freshener, they would definitely give it a try. That’s why we put together a list of natural air freshener recipes that cut down on chemicals but are still strong enough to get the odor eliminating job done.
Like most of our recipes, these natural air fresheners all have four appealing qualities:
They are…
Scroll down to take a look at the three best natural air fresheners.
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From the moment you start growing fruits and veggies in your garden, you can hardly wait until they’re ready to harvest. Unfortunately you’re not the only one. There are many animals that are staring at your veggies, mouths watering, just waiting for an opportunity to take a bite.
Fortunately, a little fencing can keep some animals away during the day but at night is when the real garden predators come out to play: rabbits, raccoons, deer, rats, mice and many others.
It’s fair to say no one wants to wake up in the morning to see half eaten vegetables in their garden with animal droppings left as payment. So how do we deal with this issue?
Well after much research, we can conclude that the answer won’t be found in your typical animal repellents. We’ve often heard about dried mint, or cotton balls with mint oil being used as a garden pest repellent. Here’s the flaw in using those methods. Dried mint is naturally biodegradable and when placed outdoors, it will degrade even faster. You would have to drop dried mint daily in your garden, and depending on how big your garden is, that cost could add up very quickly. Even fresh mint grown in your garden will only occupy a certain area and may not be strong enough to keep larger garden pests away.
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Home Remedy – a medicine made with ingredients available at home.
It may sound simple, but for anyone who’s tried to make a poultice at home to relieve some aches, knows it can get really complicated.
That’s why I put together a short and sweet list of the best books and resources to read if you’re looking to learn more about home remedies. Trial and error is going to be a part of the learning process, but you never want to make too many errors when it comes to your health. The following references will give you a strong fundamental understanding of the natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs that go into home remedies and they will show you how to make and use the remedies correctly.
I’ll start out with the #1 book on my list, and one that I have been referencing for years:
In almost every vitamin store I’ve ever gone to, I’ve seen this book, and for good reason. It has almost every supplement you could possibly think about using. It includes detailed explanations about each supplement, how it works, and what disease processes it works best on. Before you start mixing and making remedies, this is a great place to start to understand the basics behind natural medicine. You can read it cover to cover or use it as a great resource to learn more about a particular vitamin, mineral, or herb.
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Wrinkles. You don’t want to live with them, but given enough time, you can’t seem to live without them. While time may be on the side of wrinkles, you can get some natural back up to help you fight off those unwanted signs of aging.
There are several natural elements that have been used for a long time to tone skin, build collagen, and leave the face looking fresh, young, and wrinkle free as can be. We’ve taken the time to create a unique combination of those natural elements to make a powerful and natural anti-aging mask that is strong enough to withstand the test of time.
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Oily skin is incredibly tricky. On one hand, it’s good to have naturally occurring oils on your skin, but in excess, skin oil can leave your face looking and feeling greasy.
On the other hand, you never want to completely strip the natural oils from your skin either, that’s just not healthy, and will only damage your skin in the long term. The best option is to naturally cleanse and moisturize your skin in a balanced way that leaves your skin looking and feeling refreshed.
We present the perfect face mask for oily skin, or as we like to call it – The Golden Milk Facial. It harnesses the properties of a few natural ingredients that will leave your skin looking fresh and renewed. Follow the easy recipe below and get started on your Golden Milk Facial today.
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Taking care of dry skin can be difficult, and you may not always know where to start, or how to start. That’s where we come in. We’ve created an all natural face mask recipe that helps those with dry skin in so many ways:
The recipe below will give you a quick and natural start to taking care of your dry skin.
Simply wash your face before you get started and combine a few organic ingredients for an incredibly easy and hydrating face mask.
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As cool as it is to watch ants carry food back to their ant hill in nature, it’s not cool to wake up and find a line of ants hauling bread crumbs across your kitchen counter. When faced with an ant invasion, the go to method for most people is to purchase store bought bug sprays and ant traps to take care of the problem.
While buy sprays may be effective to some degree, they can also bring harmful chemicals into the home. Thank goodness there is another option that naturally removes and repels ants without using any harmful chemicals in the process.
This all natural recipe will not only repel ants back into nature where they belong, but it will leave your home smelling fresh when you’re done.